Occasionally, we will see something in the media that we think worth commenting on, and post as an “In Case You Missed It” (ICYMI) blog. In this case, it was a Jan 26 Twitter post by Intel’s Raja Koduri (@rajaonthe edge), showing a complex multi-die part that appears to be the Ponte Vecchio high-end GPU, announced by Raja in his keynote at the Intel HPC Developer Conference just before SuperComputing 2019.
Renesas and Dialog Semiconductor to Join Forces to Advance Global Leadership in Embedded Solutions
Renesas Electronics Corporation and Dialog Semiconductor Plc announced they have reached an agreement on the terms of a recommended all-cash acquisition by Renesas of the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Dialog (the “Acquisition”) for EUR 67.50 per share, representing a total equity value of approximately EUR 4.9 billion (approximately 615.7 billion yen).
Brightening the Future of Semiconductor-Based Photocatalytic Processes
A collaboration between the Pericàs group with Prof. Timothy Noël and Dr. Paola Riente at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, The Netherlands), has crystallised in a Nature Communications paper where they provide key insight into the chemical nature of the true photocatalyst involved in the Bi2O3-driven atom-transfer radical addition (ATRA) reaction.
Total MPU Sales Surprise with Strong Gains in 2020, More Upside in 2021
IC Insights recently released its 2021 edition of The McClean Report. The new analysis and forecast of the IC industry includes an analysis and forecast of the total microprocessor (MPU) market, including computer CPUs for PCs, tablets, and servers, embedded MPUs, and cellphone application MPUs.
Top-10 IC Growth Categories Target Emerging Applications in 2021
Each of the top-10 growing IC product categories is expected to see a double-digit increase in sales, but only the top-five segments are forecast to grow faster than the total IC market, which IC Insights projects will rise 12% this year.
Global Semiconductor Sales Increase 6.5% to $439 billion in 2020
The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) today announced the global semiconductor industry sales were $439.0 billion in 2020, an increase of 6.5% compared to the 2019 total of $412.3 billion.
2020 Global Silicon Revenue Remains Stable as Wafer Area Shipments Edge Up Despite Covid-19 Disruption
Worldwide silicon wafer area shipments in 2020 increased while revenue remained unchanged from 2019 at $11,170 million, the SEMI Silicon Manufacturers Group (SMG) reported in its year-end analysis of the silicon wafer industry.
CyberOptics to Showcase High-Precision Inspection and Metrology Solutions at SEMI Technology Unites Global Summit
CyberOptics Corporation will feature the WX3000 metrology and inspection system with Multi-Reflection Suppression™ (MRS) sensor technology, and high-precision sensors for semiconductor tool set-up and diagnostics at the Virtual SEMI Technology Unites Global Summit from February 15-19th.
Machine-Learning to Predict the Performance of Organic Solar Cells
Researchers from Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona have combined experimental data with algorithms and enable an unprecedent predicting capability of the performance of organic solar cells.
Synopsys Demonstrates Silicon Proof of DesignWare 112G Ethernet PHY IP in 5nm Process for High-Performance Computing SoCs
Synopsys, Inc. today announced the silicon proof of DesignWare 112G Ethernet PHY IP in 5nm FinFET process, delivering significant performance, power and area advantages.