Sequans Communications S.A. (NYSE: SQNS), a leading maker of 5G/4G chips and modules for massive, broadband and critical IoT, and e-peas, supplier of advanced energy harvesting and processing semiconductor solutions, announce the demonstration of a joint solution.
Soitec Engages to Set New Global Climate and Sustainability Targets
Soitec, a key player in semiconductors, engages to set itself new and ambitious mid- and long-term targets to cut its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase its support to reach the objectives of the COP21 Paris Agreement on climate change.
New Series of VACTEST Vacuum Measurement Equipment
The exact observance of pressures or pressure curves in vacuum-assisted processes in process engineering is an important parameter for ensuring optimum efficiency and the best product quality. Busch Vacuum Solutions has now launched the new series of VACTEST vacuum measurement equipment.
China Forecast to Fall Far Short of its “Made in China 2025” Goals for ICs
IC Insights forecasts China-produced ICs will represent only 19.4% of its IC market in 2025, a fraction of the Made in China 2025 goal of 70%.
Silicon Power Installs Innova STS Sub-cycle Transfer Switch at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Silicon Power Corporation today announces the installation of an Innova STS sub-cycle transfer switch at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, CO.
Renesas and Sequans Expand Their 5G Collaboration
Renesas Electronics Corporation and Sequans Communications announced an expansion of their collaboration to include development of 5G modules based on Sequans’ upcoming Taurus 5G platform.
Advanced Energy Acquires Versatile Power
AE expands presence in the growing medical market with field-proven low power RF technology.
Detecting COVID-19 Antibodies In 10-12 Seconds
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University report findings on an advanced nanomaterial-based biosensing platform that detects, within seconds, antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Entangling Electrons With Heat
A joint group of scientists from Finland, Russia, China and the USA have demonstrated that temperature difference can be used to entangle pairs of electrons in superconducting structures.
Delphon Appoints Joseph Montano as President
Delphon, a worldwide provider of engineered polymer and adhesive products for the semiconductor, photonics, medical and aerospace industries, announced today the appointment of Joseph Montano as President.