Researchers are developing new materials for solid-state thin-film Li-ion batteries for micro and nanodevices
Samsung Foundry Begins Partnership with Silvaco to Launch their Semiconductor IP Assets
Silvaco Inc., a supplier of EDA software and design IP, announced that the semiconductor design IP of Samsung Foundry is now marketed, licensed and supported through Silvaco Inc.
Rudolph Receives First Order for its StepFAST Solution for Fan-out Panel-level Packaging
Rudolph Technologies, Inc. announced that an outsourced assembly and test facility has ordered Rudolph’s exclusive StepFAST Solution for panel-level packaging production.
Flat Panel Display Demand Increased by Double Digits in 2018, for the First Time in Four Years
For the first time in four years, demand for flat panel displays grew double digits at 10.5 percent, year over year, to 221 million square meters in 2018.
Skin-Like Biocompatible Devices Come to Market – and to FLEX/MSTC
By Maria Vetrano As director of the Center for Bio-Integrated Electronics at Northwestern University, Professor John A. Rogers explores soft materials for conformal electronics, nanophotonic structures, microfluidic devices and MEMS, all with an emphasis on bio-inspired and bio-integrated technologies. During…
Getting to Low Power in IoT/IIoT Devices
Over the last three years the number of battery-operated electronic-component solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial IoT (IIoT) applications has been increasing steadily.
Emerging MEMS and Sensor Technologies to Watch – 2019 and Beyond
When developing industry forecasts, market analysts gather data from hundreds of companies to provide actionable insights on established technologies and to identify near-term business opportunities. As a developer of new MEMS and sensor technologies for a range of commercial applications, clients often ask us, “What’s going to be hot?”
Cybersecurity and Industry-Government Collaboration Hot Topics at MEMS & Sensors Executive Congress 2018
SEMI-MEMS & Sensors Industry Group (MSIG) welcomed a global group of industry executives to its 14th annual MEMS & Sensors Executive Congress (MSEC), October 29-30, 2018 in Napa, Calif. MEMS and sensors represent a robust sector of the electronic industry.
Autonomous Mobility and the New Age of Sensor Fusion
Marcellino Gemelli, director of global business development at Bosch Sensortec, will present at the upcoming MEMS & Sensors Executive Congress on October 29-30, 2018 in Napa, Calif. SEMI’s Maria Vetrano caught up with Gemelli to give MSEC attendees a preview of Gemelli’s feature presentation.
Sensors in the New Age of the Car
Sensors are inextricably linked to the future requirements of partially and fully autonomous vehicles.