Pete Singer

Co-Founder / Editor-in-Chief

402 Articles1 Comments

Pete has over 40 years of publishing experience. He co-founded Semiconductor Digest and the Gold Flag Media company with publisher Kerry Hoffman in 2019. Previously, he spent over 25 years at Semiconductor International and 11 years at Solid State Technology.

The Need for IoT Security At the Chip Level

A critical element to successful IoT security chips is public key infrastructure (PKI). All IoT devices with these chips require a strong identity, which will then be used for secure authentication.

A 300mm Platform for 2D-Material Based MOSFET Devices

2D materials, a family of materials that form two-dimensional crystals, promise to enable a broad range of semiconductor applications, such as selectors or back-end compatible transistors.

Coronavirus Concerns

The impact so far on the semiconductor industry has fortunately been minor.

David K. Lam to Unveil “Security Lithography” Advances to Thwart IC Counterfeiting at SPIE

Silicon Valley Hall of Famer and Founder of Lam Research to present unsurpassed levels of on-chip security enabled by Multicolumn E-beam Lithography (MEBL)

Solid State Technology Content Now Available

The content from Solid State Technology is now available through the Semiconductor Digest website.

Source Materials Enable the Evolution of the Ion-Implantation Process

Recent innovations in the field of new implant materials and innovative packaging are presented.

Scaling the BEOL: A Toolbox Filled with New Processes, Boosters and Conductors

Extending interconnects towards the 3nm technology node and beyond requires several innovations. Imec sees single-print EUV in dual-damascene modules, Supervia structures, semi-damascene modules and added functionality in the back-end-of-line (BEOL) as the way forward.

Harsh New Processes and Materials Pose Challenges for Vacuum Systems

Maximizing the productivity and profitability of the semiconductor manufacturing process requires pump designs that are optimized for the application, especially harsh applications that use condensable or corrosive gases.

Why AIoT is an Essential Element of Continued Technological Innovation

We’re taking a multiplicity of small steps towards a future where AIoT will be deployed widely, in our cars, cities, factories, and stores — and throughout our lives, for the better.

SerDes Designs: Keeping Pace with a Demanding Network Environment

As speed, signal integrity and test boundaries are pushed, cycles of architectural changes and new levels of design innovation for the SerDes chip are only a few of the challenges.