Pete Singer

Co-Founder / Editor-in-Chief

402 Articles1 Comments

Pete has over 40 years of publishing experience. He co-founded Semiconductor Digest and the Gold Flag Media company with publisher Kerry Hoffman in 2019. Previously, he spent over 25 years at Semiconductor International and 11 years at Solid State Technology.

EUV Lithography: Sailing Along the Stochastic Cliffs

Stochastic printing failures are random, non-repeating, isolated defects such as microbridges, locally broken lines and missing or merging contacts.

EUV Lithography: Weighing the Options for Future Logic and Memory Applications

Imec takes a great leap forward in understanding and pushing the limits of extreme ultraviolet lithography – part I

Abating Potentially Dangerous Particles 2.5 µm and Smaller

Particles, especially fine particles, are very important because of their impact on human health.

Surface Preparation for Low Temperature CVD Si Epitaxy Processing

Methods for producing the pristine and stable hydrogen-terminated single crystal silicon surfaces required to achieve the specifications for LT CVD epi silicon layers are investigated.

2020: Never This Slow Again

“Change has never been this fast and it will never be this slow again,” said SEMI’s Dave Anderson, speaking at ISS earlier this month. I summarized five of the talks that I found most interesting.

Executive Viewpoints: 2020 Outlook

Each year, Semiconductor Digest turns to industry leaders to hear viewpoints on the technological and economic outlook for the upcoming year. Read through these expert opinions on what to expect in 2020.

Semiconductors Have Enabled AI: Now AI is Returning the Favor

The AI Revolution is in full swing. However, the history of AI clearly shows that nothing can be taken for granted.

ISS: 2020 Outlook for EUV

At SEMI’s 2020 Industry Strategy Symposium (ISS), held January 12-15th at Half Moon Bay in California, Marco Pieters, Vice President, EUV Product Marketing, ASML provided a status report on EUV’s acceptance in high volume manufacturing and an update on progress toward the company’s next-gen high NA tool.

ISS: 2020 Outlook on Automotive Electronics

At SEMI’s 2020 Industry Strategy Symposium (ISS), held January 12-15th at Half Moon Bay in California, Ken Washington, CTO, Ford Motor Company, who described a vision for cars of the future and their requirements when it comes to connectivity and compute power.

ISS: The 2020 Outlook for Consumer Electronics

At SEMI’s 2020 Industry Strategy Symposium (ISS), held January 12-15th at Half Moon Bay in California, Shawn DuBravac, CEO, Avrio Institute, gave his insights on major trends in consumer electronics, with specific examples from the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES).