The Process Watch series explores key concepts about process control—defect inspection, metrology and data analytics—for the semiconductor industry. This article is the fifth in a series on process control strategies for automotive semiconductor devices.
Examining Chip Manufacturing Challenges for Advanced Logic Architecture
A look at the critical issues that will have to be addressed to cost-effectively produce the next generation of faster, denser chips.
Process Control Needs Are Increasing Across Semiconductor Fabs
To increase yields and tool uptime, there is a growing need in the front-end of the fab to use wireless sensors.
Bayesian Machine Learning Enables a Virtual Defect Pareto Through Software Simulation
A Failure Mechanism Pareto can be derived through software by applying Bayesian Machine Learning to diagnostic fault simulations.
DVCon U.S. Serves Chip Users Latest Tools and Standards
The Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition (DVCon U.S.) held earlier this year once again brought chip developers together with EDA tool vendors to tackle major issues. By John Blyler, Contributing Editor To practicing chip design and verification engineers, DVCon…
DRAM, NAND and Emerging Memory Technology Trends and Developments in 2019
Innovation in memory technology is constant. In this article, TechInsights’ Jeongdong Choe reviews the latest developments in DRAM, NAND, and emerging technology, and provide insight on the trends in this space.
IBM and Fraunhofer Join Forces on Quantum Computing Initiative
IBM and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft announced an agreement to partner in the area of quantum computing with the goal of advancing the research and experimentation in Germany.
CEO Panel Tackles the Future of Moore’s Law Question
On Tuesday morning, Applied Materials hosted a CEO panel discussion with Aart de Geus, PhD, Chairman and co-Chief Executive Officer, Synopsys; Victor Peng, President and CEO, Xilinx; Lisa Su, PhD, President and CEO, AMD; Sanjay Mehrotra, President and CEO, Micron; and Gary Dickerson, President and CEO, Applied Materials. John Markoff, author and former technology writer with The New York Times acted as moderator.
Can Silicon Technology Help Transform Healthcare?
The semiconductor industry has delivered breakthrough innovations in computer pro- cessing power and miniaturization over the last 70 years. Could it deliver similar results in the field of healthcare? That was the question addressed by Paru Deshpande, VP Life Sciences & Imaging at imec during a talk on Monday during imec’s International Technology Forum at the Grand Hyatt in San Francisco.
TSI Introduces New AeroTrak-Plus Remote Airborne Particle Counters
TSI (Shoreview, MN) has introduced a new range of AeroTrak®+ Remote Airborne Particle Counters (APCs) for monitoring manufacturing cleanrooms. TSI is so confident about the performance of the new laser technology inside, that all models are covered by an industry-exclusive…