Pete Singer

Co-Founder / Editor-in-Chief

402 Articles1 Comments

Pete has over 40 years of publishing experience. He co-founded Semiconductor Digest and the Gold Flag Media company with publisher Kerry Hoffman in 2019. Previously, he spent over 25 years at Semiconductor International and 11 years at Solid State Technology.

Europe’s 10/100/20 program

Despite some economic woes in recent years, Europe remains dedicated to building a strong electronics industry. This was brought home to me recently when, in advance of Semicon Europa (October 7-10 in Dresden), I had a chance to talk with…

Join us for a free webcast on Advanced Packaging, Sept. 30th

Please join us for a free webcast on Advanced Packaging, to be held on September 30th, at 11:00am Eastern, 10:00am Central and 8:00am Pacific. You can register in advance at this link: The webcast, which will feature presenters from…

How to Contribute to SST

One of the most common questions I’m asked is “How can I contribute to Solid State Technology?” We try to make that an easy process – so the short answer is shoot me an e-mail ( or give me a…

Key Trends at Semicon West 2013

At Semicon West last week (and at The ConFab a few weeks ago) some key trends were clearly evident in the semiconductor industry. It’s apparent that the world’s appetite for electronics has never been greater. That has increasingly taken the…

Lithography, direct-attach LEDs, packaging trends at Strategies in Light Day 3

February 10, 2012 — Day 3 of the 2012 Strategies in Light conference continued the LED Manufacturing session. Presenters covered lithography for light emitting diode (LED) manufacture, advanced packaging, metrology and testing, high-performance materials, and other topics, such as the…

Weathering the Storm Together

Gail Flower, Editor-in-Chief What were the most significant technological advancements in our industry in 2008? Every year Advanced Packaging pans the industry to get a wide-spectrum view of what to expect from the coming year. Without a doubt, these are…

2008: Packaging Drives the Industry

What were the most significant technological advancements in our industry in 2007? Click here to enlarge image This year’s forecast points toward healthy, confident growth in packaging. Some of the most significant growth is in the area of 3D stacked…

Clearing the Air

New filtration media, technologies, and airflow design strategies are helping users of critical environments improve filtration efficiency and control costs in the face of tightening air-quality tolerances. Click here to enlarge image By Bruce FlickingerThere was a time that, if…

Rising energy costs dictate cleanroom design

Cleanroom owners industrywide look to shrink expenses while battling high utility bills and the lure of cheap foreign labor By Sarah Fister Gale With energy costs nearly double what they were a few years ago, along with a steady stream…

Products of the Year

Each month, CleanRooms brings you innovative products of interest to you and your industry. As we reach the end of 2004, we've compiled this complete collection of the products we've featured over the past year. From apparel to wafer sorters,…