STMicroelectronics announced its goal to become carbon neutral by 2027, the earliest date anticipated for any semiconductor company globally.
BrainChip Ships Akida Evaluation Boards
BrainChip Holdings Ltd, a provider of ultra-low power high performance artificial intelligence technology, today provides the following update on the on the shipment of the Company’s evaluation boards for the Akida Neuromophic System-on-Chip (NSoC).
The 2021 Predictions in Power Electronics
As 2020 comes to a close, we will undoubtedly look back on the past twelve months as a time in which disruption was the hallmark. Amid the unprecedented socioeconomic upheaval brought about by Covid-19, organizations have had to pivot and strategize, adapt and change in new ways – in a far more agile manner than at any time in history.
Inphi Launches Industry’s First 7nm 50G PAM4 Platform Solution for Hyperscale Data Centers and AI Networks
Inphi Corporation announced its Polaris Gen2 PAM4 platform, the industry’s first 50G, 28Gbaud PAM4 DSP solution based on low-power 7nm CMOS technology.
STMicroelectronics Recognized for Climate Change Leadership by CDP
STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics, has been recognized for leadership in corporate sustainability by global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its prestigious ‘A List’ for tackling climate change.

How the 1985 Downturn Set the Silicon Wafer Industry on a Path to Consolidation That Continues Today
By Craig Addison While 2020 will be remembered as annus horribilis for many, it is set to be a record year for dealmaking in the chip industry.
New Semiconductor Detector Shows Promise for Medical Diagnostics and Homeland Security
Security officials are tasked with preventing criminals from smuggling dangerous materials into a country, and detecting nuclear substances has been difficult and costly. Now Northwestern University researchers have developed new devices based on a low-cost material to aid in the detection and identification of radioactive isotopes.
STMicroelectronics Trims Brushless Motor-Control Designs with Gate-Driver IC Optimized for Low-Voltage Applications
STMicroelectronics has created an integrated three-phase half-bridge driver IC with performance optimized for low-voltage industrial applications up to 75V, delivering a space-efficient and power-saving solution to control three-phase brushless motors in e-bikes, power tools, pumps, fans, light machinery, gaming consoles, and other equipment.
Shipments of Wearable Devices Leap to 125 Million Units, Up 35.1% in the Third Quarter, According to IDC
The global wearables market grew 35.1% year over year during the third quarter of 2020 (3Q20) with total shipments reaching 125 million units according to new data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device Tracker.
Nanomaterials Enable Dual-Mode Heating and Cooling Device
Engineers at Duke University have demonstrated a dual-mode heating and cooling device for building climate control that, if widely deployed in the U.S., could cut HVAC energy use by nearly 20 percent.