Flexible and Recyclable Optoelectronics Move a Step Closer

Australian researchers have demonstrated the strong potential for a new type of flexible, recyclable electrodes to be used in creating cheaper solar cells, touchscreens, wearable ‘e-skins’ and next-generation responsive windows.

CEA-Leti Researchers Break Throughput Record for LiFi Communications Using Single GaN Blue Micro-Light-Emitting Diode

CEA-Leti today announced its researchers have broken the throughput world record of 5.1 Gbps in visible light communications (VLC) using a single GaN blue micro- light-emitting diode (LED).

COVID-19 Triggers Accelerated Shift to Digital Technologies and Services

The ongoing digital transformation of business and society has been shifted into overdrive by the COVID-19 pandemic, triggering major changes in key segments ranging from online services, to capital spending, to the cloud, to the electronics supply chain.

Paragraf Partners with CERN to Demonstrate Unique Properties of Paragraf’s New Graphene Hall Effect Sensor

Paragraf has embarked on a working partnership with the Magnetic Measurement section at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, to demonstrate how new opportunities for magnetic measurements are opened up through the unique properties of its graphene sensor, particularly its negligible planar Hall effect.

DSP Group Strengthens its Position in Rapidly Growing Headset Market with Acquisition of SoundChip SA

DSP Group, Inc., a leading global provider of wireless chipset solutions for converged communications, announced the acquisition of privately owned SoundChip SA, a leading supplier of active noise cancellation (ANC) technology, engineering services, design tools, and production-line test systems for headsets.

SEMI FlexTech Invites Proposals for Funding Flexible Hybrid Electronics Advancements

SEMI FlexTech today released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for advanced technology developments of flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) for sensors, power and other key electronic components.

STMicroelectronics’ Reference Design Enables Compact and Cost-Effective Wearables with Social-Distancing, Contact-Tracing, and Remote Capabilities

STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, announces the availability of a compact and cost-effective reference design ideally suited for monitoring social distancing, assuring remote operation, provisioning, as well as warning, anti-tampering, and potentially providing contact tracing to protect human health in all environments, including in response to global or local pandemic conditions.

Engineers Put Tens of Thousands of Artificial Brain Synapses on a Single Chip

MIT engineers have designed a “brain-on-a-chip,” smaller than a piece of confetti, that is made from tens of thousands of artificial brain synapses known as memristors — silicon-based components that mimic the information-transmitting synapses in the human brain.

Spontaneous Formation of Nanoscale Hollow Structures Could Boost Battery Storage

An unexpected property of nanometer-scale antimony crystals — the spontaneous formation of hollow structures — could help give the next generation of lithium ion batteries higher energy density without reducing battery lifetime.

Russian Scientists to Improve the Battery for Sensors

Researchers of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) approached the creation of a solid-state thin-film battery for miniature devices and sensors.

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