Inside all of us are trillions of tiny molecular nanomachines that perform a variety of tasks necessary to keep us alive. In a ground-breaking study, a team led by SFU physics professor David Sivak demonstrated for the first time a strategy for manipulating these machines to maximize efficiency and conserve energy. The breakthrough could have ramifications across a number of fields, including creating more efficient computer chips and solar cells…
Carnegie Mellon Researchers Create Soft, Flexible Materials With Enhanced Properties
A team of polymer chemists and engineers from Carnegie Mellon University have developed a new methodology that can be used to create a class of stretchable polymer composites with enhanced electrical and thermal properties.
Call For SEMICON WEST 2019 “Best Of West” Award Applications
SEMI is accepting SEMICON West 2019 exhibitor applications for the Best of West award recognizing innovative new products or services…
CEA-Leti Develops CMOS Process for High-Performance MicroLEDs That Could Overcome Display-Size Obstacles
Leti, a research institute of CEA Tech, recently announced a new technology for fabricating GaN…
Audi First Carmaker To Join SEMI
SEMI, the industry association serving the global electronics manufacturing and design supply chain, announced that AUDI…
How Small Can They Get?
Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of Tsukuba demonstrate that polymers could play a key role in the fabrication of single-molecule electronic devices, allowing us to push the boundaries of the nanoelectronics revolution.
Russian Scientists Investigate New Materials for Li-ion Batteries of Miniature Sensors
Researchers are developing new materials for solid-state thin-film Li-ion batteries for micro and nanodevices