Tiny Chip-Based Device Performs Ultrafast X-ray Manipulation

New optics-on-a-chip device paves the way to helping characterize fast chemical, material, and biological processes.

New AI-Enabled, Optical Fibre Sensor Device Could Help Monitor Brain Injury

The ‘promising’ results from tests on animal brain tissues suggest it could help clinicians to better monitor both disease progression and patients’ response to treatment than is currently possible, which indicate the high potential for future diagnostic trials in humans. 

SEMICON China 2022 to Highlight Sustainability, Smart Manufacturing and Advanced Packaging

With sustainability, smart manufacturing and advanced packaging key to the semiconductor industry’s profitable growth, SEMICON China 2022 will gather industry leaders and visionaries October 5-7 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre for the latest insights on these and other critical topics for the electronics supply chain.

Henkel Opens Application Engineering Center for Electronics Applications in South China

Henkel announced the opening of its South China Application Engineering Center (SCAEC) in Dongguan, Guangdong Province.

New Chip Could Make Treating Metastatic Cancer Easier and Faster

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have found a detection method that could revolutionize cancer treatment by showing how cancers metastasize and what stage they are.

Amorepacific Develops World’s First Chip-less Wireless Electronic Skin Enabled by Semiconductors

Amorepacific, a South Korean beauty and cosmetics conglomerate, in collaboration with Professor Kim Jeehwan at MIT, has developed the world’s first chip-less wireless wearable electronic skin (e-skin) that is sweatproof and can continuously monitor skin changes over long periods of time.

SUTD Researchers Leverage Novel Nanotechnology to Control Cells Over Long Periods

A version of a nanosecond electroporation platform has been developed by researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and A*STAR Bioinformatics Institute (BII).

Scientists Unravel ‘Hall Effect’ Mystery in Search for Next Generation Memory Storage Devices

An advance in the use of antiferromagnetic materials in memory storage devices has been made by an international team of physicists.

Chung-Ang University Researchers Breathe Life into Sensors with Versatile Gas Masks

The researchers developed a novel self-powered device that is driven by respiration, allowing them to be integrated with gas masks.

Aehr Receives Production Orders for WaferPak Full Wafer Contactors

These WaferPak Contactors are expected to ship by the end of Aehr’s fiscal third quarter ending February 28, 2023.

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