
Electronic Wet Chemicals Price Volatility Sparks Concern

Price volatility in chemicals used for semiconductors further strains market.

Defense Strategies Institute Announces 2022 Assured Microelectronics Summit Agenda

Defense Strategies Institute is pleased to announce the agenda for the 2022 Assured Microelectronics Summit is now available.

NIST and Google to Create New Supply of Chips for Researchers and Tech Startups

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has signed a cooperative research and development agreement with Google to develop and produce chips that researchers can use to develop new nanotechnology and semiconductor devices. 

A New Framework: Opportunities of Open Access for Optimizing Yield in Semiconductor Manufacturing

An open, secure monitoring and intelligence transaction platform would empower chip manufacturers to solve their problems and optimize their operations, their way.

Overcoming the Risks of Change Management When Adopting Digital Technology

Choosing the right 4IR technology can eliminate risk in digital adoption.

CHIPS for America Leadership Team Announced

The Biden-Harris Administration announced leadership for the newly-established CHIPS for America offices.

The Semiconductor Market’s Slowdown Picks Up Speed

The second quarter of 2022 was the third consecutive quarter of weakening revenue growth for the semiconductor market, with the market now in decline according to Omdia’s Competitive Landscape Tracker.

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Researchers Design Durable Organic Semiconductor Photocathodes with Metal Foil Encapsulation

With this approach, the developed photocathodes exhibit a remarkable stability and demonstrate sunlight-driven clean hydrogen production by water splitting.

DRAM Market Deflates, Cyclical Downturn Looms

Monthly DRAM sales drop as end-users adjust inventory levels; consumer spending succumbs to inflation/recession pressure.

Perforce Joins the Global Semiconductor Alliance and Debuts IP Maturity Model

Perforce Software, a provider of solutions to enterprise teams requiring productivity, visibility, and scale along the development cycle, is pleased to announce that they have become a member of Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA), the voice of the global semiconductor industry.

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