A look at current market dynamics and the emergence of DDR5, 1-alpha process node, and CXL. Find the full article in the June/July issue of Semiconductor Digest.
Mouser Receives Outstanding Partnership Award from Epson America
Epson presented Mouser’s Ben Venator and Melinda Harper with the award for continued increases in market share and customer count.
Skyworks Completes Acquisition of the Infrastructure & Automotive Business of Silicon Labs
Skyworks Solutions, Inc. today announced that it has completed its acquisition of the Infrastructure & Automotive business of Silicon Laboratories Inc.
Coalition Calls on Congress to Invest in Domestic Semiconductor Manufacturing, Research, Design
The SIA – along with a broad coalition of 19 other tech, auto, medical, defense, and other business and labor groups – today in a letter urged Congress to enact funding for the semiconductor manufacturing, research, and design initiatives
‘Wrapping’ Anodes in 3D Carbon Nanosheets: The Next Big Thing in Li-ion Battery Technology
Study finds that anchoring manganese selenide nanoparticles, an anode material, in 3D carbon nanosheets prevents their expansion in lithium-ion batteries.
Plasma-Therm ‘RANKED 1st’ in VLSI 2021 Survey for Etch & Clean Equipment
Plasma-Therm has once again been named the top supplier of etch and clean equipment for semiconductor manufacturing, according to the results of the 2021 VLSIresearch Customer Satisfaction Survey of worldwide semiconductor industry customers.
Rohinni Names Semiconductor Veteran Ryan Cameron CEO
On the heels of two recent technical milestones, Rohinni today announced its new CEO, Ryan Cameron, and that it’s moving its headquarters to Liberty Lake, Washington to increase the team’s engineering space.
What Trends Will Have the Biggest Impact on Semiconductor Design?
By Emily Newton, Editor-in-Chief of Revolutionized. Semiconductor design has progressively improved over the decades, and that will continue for the foreseeable future. Here are some fascinating trends that will likely shape the future of engineering at all stages of product development. Using artificial intelligence in semiconductor design Artificial intelligence (AI) is opening new possibilities in industries ranging from agriculture to medicine. It brings more opportunities to semiconductor design, too. Many…
Intel Elects Andrea Goldsmith to Board of Directors
Intel Corporation today announced that Andrea Goldsmith, dean of engineering and applied science and professor of electrical and computer engineering at Princeton University, was elected to Intel’s board of directors, effective Sept. 1, 2021.
Researchers Discover a ‘Layer Hall Effect’ in a 2D Topological Axion Antiferromagnet
Researchers have discovered a “layer” Hall effect in a solid state chip constructed of antiferromagnetic manganese bismuth telluride.