
New Electron Microscopy Technique Offers First Look at Previously Hidden Processes

Northwestern researchers have developed a new microscopy method that allows scientists to see the building blocks of “smart” materials being formed at the nanoscale.

Theory Describes Quantum Phenomenon in Nanomaterials

Theoretical physicists Yoshimichi Teratani and Akira Oguri of Osaka City University, and Rui Sakano of the University of Tokyo have developed mathematical formulas that describe a physical phenomenon happening within quantum dots and other nanosized materials.

Tachyum Maximizes Business Opportunities with Expansion to Nevada

Tachyum today announced that it is leveraging business-friendly market conditions enabled by local and state government regulations and recent industrial investments in Nevada to expand operations and maximize its business opportunities.

New Discovery Brings Analogue Spintronic Devices Closer

The observation of nonlinearity in electron spin-related processes in graphene makes it easier to transport, manipulate and detect spins, as well as spin-to-charge conversion. It also allows analogue operations such as amplitude modulation and spin amplification.

Optoelectronic Devices that Emit Warm and Cool White Light

The advantages of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), such as their tiny size, low cost and excellent power efficiency, mean they are found everywhere in modern life. A KAUST team has recently developed a way of producing a white-light LED that overcomes some critical challenges.

SiPearl Joins ETP4HPC to Help Drive Europe’s Sovereignty for High Performance Computing

SiPearl, the company that is designing the high-performance, low-power microprocessor for the European exascale supercomputer, is joining ETP4HPC, an association that groups together the leading European players for high performance computing technologies.

CMC Considers Bio-Solvents to Reduce Fab Risks

The Critical Materials Council (CMC) of semiconductor fabricators & suppliers joint-meeting in December focused on disruptions in the global supply- chain for high-purity acids and solvents due to the boom-and-bust business of oil refining.

Two UArizona Researchers Receive $1M Grants to Advance Cyberinfrastructure and Quantum Sensing

Laura Condon, a University of Arizona assistant professor of hydrology and atmospheric sciences, and Zheshen Zhang, assistant professor of materials science and engineering and optical sciences, have each received $1 million in funding from the National Science Foundation’s Convergence Accelerator program.

SETi and Seoul Viosys Violeds Modules Proven to Disinfect 99% of Airborne Viruses in Recent Test Results

Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc. (SETi) and Seoul Viosys have demonstrated that an air conditioning and heating system with its ultraviolet LED Violeds modules has the performance to disinfect 99% of airborne viruses, verified through testing by Korea Testing Laboratory (KTL).

Tips on Becoming a Debugging Wizard

One reason developers spend so much time on this task is a lack of understanding of how to maximize their use of debugging tools.

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