The Intel Foundation will provide $4 million to support coronavirus relief efforts in communities where the company has significant presence. The foundation will also offer a special match opportunity for every regular full-time and part-time employee and U.S. retiree to a total of $2 million for relief efforts around major Intel sites.
MagnaChip Semiconductor Announces Definitive Agreement To Sell Foundry Business and Fab 4
MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation today announced that certain of its wholly-owned subsidiaries have entered into a definitive agreement to sell the Company’s Foundry Services Group and the factory in Cheongju, the larger of the Company’s two 8″ manufacturing facilities, to a special purpose company in South Korea established by Alchemist Capital Partners Korea Co., Ltd. and Credian Partners, Inc.

Medtronic Shares Ventilator Design Specifications
Medtronic is publicly sharing the design specifications for the Puritan Bennett™ 560 (PB 560) to enable participants across industries to evaluate options for rapid ventilator manufacturing.
Nordson Corporation Announces Business Realignment and Leadership Appointments
Nordson Corporation (Nasdaq: NDSN) today announced a strategic business realignment that will position the company for its next chapter of profitable growth. The company will reorganize into two businesses: Industrial Precision Solutions (IPS) led by Gregory P. Merk, Executive Vice President, and Advanced Technology Solutions (ATS) led by Jeffrey A. Pembroke, Executive Vice President.

100 IC Wafer Fabs Closed or Repurposed Since 2009
Hardest hit are ≤200mm wafer fabs; 70% of closures in Japan and North America.
ON Semiconductor Names Digi-Key Electronics Global High Service Distributor of the Year
Digi-Key Electronics, the leading global electronic components distributor, was named ON Semiconductor’s Global High Service Distributor for 2019. The Top 2019 High Service Distribution Partner Award honors the distributor that led the channel in digital marketing initiatives, increased customer breadth, and promotion and sales of ON Semiconductor’s latest innovative new products. Digi-Key was recognized for partnering in inventory management and scoring highly on overall process excellence in the evolving semiconductor market.
Worldwide Server and Enterprise Storage Systems Markets Will Decline in 2020, Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic, According to IDC
End user spending on IT infrastructure (server and enterprise storage systems) will decline in 2020 as a result of the widespread coronavirus pandemic. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker and Worldwide Quarterly Enterprise Storage Systems Tracker, under the current probable scenario server market revenues will decline 3.4% year over year to $88.6 billion and external enterprise storage systems (ESS) revenues will decline 5.5% to $28.7 billion in 2020.
Juniper Research: Coronavirus to Cause $42 Billion Revenue Gap in Global Consumer Device Shipments over the Next 9 Months
New analysis from Juniper Research found that Coronavirus could cause around a $42 billion revenue gap over the next 9 months for smart device vendors. The analysis examined a number of key device verticals including smartphones, tablets, consumer robotics, smart speakers and smart wearables. Three impact scenarios, low, medium and high, illustrate a range of possible outcomes.
Samsung Announces Industry’s First EUV DRAM with Shipment of First Million Modules
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the world leader in advanced memory technology, today announced that it has successfully shipped one million of the industry’s first 10nm-class (D1x) DDR4 (Double Date Rate 4) DRAM modules based on extreme ultraviolet (EUV) technology. The new EUV-based DRAM modules have completed global customer evaluations, and will open the door to more cutting-edge EUV process nodes for use in premium PC, mobile, enterprise server and datacenter applications.
Shifting Dimensions: Exciting Excitons in Phosphorene
Since its discovery in 2014, phosphorene – a sheet of phosphorus atoms only a single atom thick – has intrigued scientists, due to its unique optoelectronic anisotropy. In other words, electrons interact with light and move in one direction only. This anisotropy means that despite being two dimensional (2D), phosphorene shows a mix of properties found in both one-dimensional (1D) and 2D materials. Scientists believe that the distinct quasi-1D nature of phosphorene could be exploited to develop new, innovative optoelectronic devices, from LEDs to solar cells.