
TSMC Breaks Ground, Secures Subsidy for German Plant

The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has begun work on a 10-billion-euro plant in Dresden as the European Union approves state assistance for the project.

Diraq Drives Two-Qubit Gate Accuracy in CMOS to Above 99%

Diraq announced it has successfully demonstrated consistent and repeatable operation with above 99% fidelity of two-qubit gates in the SiMOS (silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor) quantum dot platform.

OKI Sets Up New PCB Manufacturing Line for Semiconductor Manufacturing and Testing Equipment at Joetsu Plant

The OKI Group PCB business company OKI Circuit Technology has set up a new ultra-high-multilayer PCB line at the Joetsu Plant in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture, with full-scale operations commencing in July.

Global Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Strengthens in Q2 2024, SEMI Reports

The global semiconductor manufacturing industry in the second quarter of 2024 continued to show signs of improvement with significant growth of IC sales, stabilizing capital expenditure, and an increase in installed wafer fab capacity, SEMI announced today

2025 IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference Announces Call for Papers

The IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), the premier technical conference and product exhibition for the world’s semiconductor packaging industry, has announced a Call for Papers for ECTC 2025, the conference’s 75th anniversary.

Greene Tweed Highlights ONX 600 for Semiconductor Applications

This material provides peak durability, performance, and safety in critical environments.

Archer Sends New Biochip gFET Design for Manufacture to Bolster Functionality

Archer Materials Limited, a semiconductor company advancing the quantum technology and medical diagnostics industries, has sent a new graphene field effect transistor (gFET) design for its Biochip to VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd for manufacture 200mm diameter wafers via a MPW run for integration with CMOS readout.

Texas Instruments to Receive $1.6B in CHIPS and Science Act Funding for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Texas and Utah

Proposed funding, coupled with an estimated $6 billion to $8 billion in investment tax credit, will help TI provide geopolitically dependable, 300mm capacity for analog and embedded processing semiconductors.

Groundbreaking Precision in Single-Molecule Optoelectronics

Scientists from the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Fritz Haber Institute have made an innovative discovery in nanoscale optoelectronics, as detailed in their recent publication in Nature Communications.

Rice Baker Institute: Coercive Annexation of Taiwan Would Unleash Globally Destructive Consequences

A new paper from Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy argues that an annexation of Taiwan by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) would trigger economic shocks and diminish the quality of life for populations across Asia and beyond, as well as have devastating impacts on American interests and Americans’ well-being.

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