Electronic Fluorocarbons is Now EFC Gases and Advanced Materials

After 20 years of successful operation as Electronic Fluorocarbons, the company has taken a significant step in their ongoing commitment to adapt, grow, and continue providing top-quality products and solutions. 

After 20 years of successful operation as Electronic Fluorocarbons, the company has taken a significant step in their ongoing commitment to adapt, grow, and continue providing top-quality products and solutions. 

“As part of this evolution, we are rebranding to more accurately reflect our wide range of offerings and the ever-changing industry landscape” said Pavel Perlov, President and CEO.  Perlov continued, “While this is an exciting change that marks our progress into the future, please be assured that our foundational values remain unchanged. The rebranding will not impact the quality of our products and services or our strong commitment to our partnerships.” efcgases.com

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