TECHCET, the electronic materials advisory services firm providing business and technology information, forecasts that global trade wars have reduced downstream demand for semiconductors although semiconductor fabrication (fab) materials markets will shrink only slightly in 2019. In April of this year TECHCET had forecast growth of ~3.0%, while the updated forecast shows a shrinking of ~1.4% total market in the global market for semiconductor manufacturing materials to reach a total of over US$47 billion (see Figure). The forecasted compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through the year 2023 has correspondingly been reduced from 4.3% to 3.6% in anticipation of reduced steady growth.

Dr. Dan P. Tracy, Director of Market Research & Sr. Analyst of TECHCET, provided this update on the global semiconductor manufacturing materials market on September 10that the 2019 China Semiconductor Materials Innovation and Development Conference sponsored by China’s Integrated Circuit Materials & Components Industry Technology Innovative Alliance (ICMtia). Tracy’s presentation on “Materials Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Device Applications” covered the updated TECHCET materials outlook and discussed trends in device scaling which provide opportunities for material suppliers.
“Advanced technology chip fabs are driving higher than originally expected growth of traditional wet chemicals for cleaning because of two technology shifts,” explained Tracy. “First there is increased adaption of single-wafer spray tools that use more chemistry than conventional batch tools, and second there are more multi-step wet clean processes needed for surface treatment and residue removal. Consequently, TECHCET is forecasting greater than 5% CAGR over the period 2018-2023 for wet chemicals.”
Dynamics of localization within the global supply-chain will be discussed at the 4th annual public CMC Seminar, happening October 17 in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Attendees will gain insights on challenges associated with supplying quality materials, local government initiatives, and globalization trends which support the rapidly growing supply-chain within Greater China and Asia at large. Attendees have the opportunity to network with CMC Fab members who will have just finished their private face-to-face meetings held earlier that week.