Brewer Science Announces Launch of the American Materials Technology Partnership

Brewer Science announced the establishment of the American Materials Technology Partnership.

Brewer Science announced the establishment of the American Materials Technology Partnership. The newly launched coalition recognizes the need for high-quality materials to fuel technological advancement and spur a healthy domestic microelectronics industry. By joining forces with top materials experts, this partnership aims to fill a unique gap within the industry and deliver leading materials innovation to U.S. microelectronics manufacturers. With the demand for high-quality semiconductor materials on the rise, this partnership will bring together voices from across the industry, government, and academia to lead the charge on the next era of growth.

The materials required for microelectronics and semiconductors are in demand now more than ever. As innovation continues to expand with the development of 5G, self-driving cars and artificial intelligence, clean, high-quality materials are needed to power the production of these cutting-edge technologies. With a focus on first-rate, American-made materials, the coalition’s call to bolster, develop and innovate will help the United States maintain its strategic advantage in the industry. These vital materials are pivotal towards creating groundbreaking technology. Without leading materials innovation, the fabs and equipment, while necessary, will not be sufficient to safeguard U.S. leadership in this critical economic sector.

“We are excited to spearhead the American Materials Technology Partnership—a future gamechanger in the microelectronics industry and materials innovation,” said Brewer Science’s Executive Director and coalition founder Dan Brewer. “Through this coalition, we will foster the best practices in American manufacturing, grow American expertise in the microelectronics field and ensure the highest quality materials to cultivate future innovation.”

As a trailblazer in the microelectronics field, Brewer Science is the natural leader to establish this coalition. Headquartered in Rolla, Mo., Brewer Science develops high-quality materials for microelectronics that are born from a process committed to zero defects and minimal contamination. The materials produced by Brewer Science play an instrumental role in the inner workings of tablet computers, smartphones, digital cameras, televisions, LED lighting and more.

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