imec at SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning 2023

This year at SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning, imec has a record number of 70 contributions, of which 42 first authored papers and 28 co-authored papers.

This year at SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning, imec has a record number of 70 contributions, of which 42 first authored papers and 28 co-authored papers. These papers show imec’s progress in advanced patterning challenges, such as (High NA) EUV lithography, CFET patterning, DRAM patterning, and the supporting role of machine learning techniques. Next to that, imec is leveraging nanoimprint lithography for bioelectronic applications, and will be giving an invited talk about its progress.

With sustainability becoming an increasingly more important aspect for chip design and manufacturing, imec has initiated a project that looks into sustainable semiconductor manufacturing techniques for lithography and etch. In a press release, imec will announce several solutions for reduction, recycling and recovery of various materials used in high-impact areas of these manufacturing techniques. Emily Gallagher, a principal member of the technical staff, will also be a panelist at the SPIE AL+P with a panel on “Sustainability and Lithography’s Role”.

Finally, imec will host one course on stochastic lithography, given by John S. Petersen, scientific director advanced patterning.

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