Smaller, Better, Faster: imec Presents Chip Scaling Roadmap
Originally held on November 28, 2023
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The need for increased computing continues growing at an ultra-fast speed, with chip data remarkably still keeping in line with Moore’s law. This momentum is expected to carry on even as 2D scaling becomes increasingly challenging via introduction of new device architectures and materials, scaling boosters such as Backside-Power-Delivery-Network (BSPDN), overall Design-Technology-Co-Optimization (DTCO)-driven design improvements, 3D chip stacking and the introduction and adoption of System-Technology-Co-Optimization (STCO).
Logic standard cell scaling remains at the core of the roadmap, with continued advances in holistic patterning using EUV/high-NA EUV lithography key for enabling cost-effective scaling and lower energy consumption as it allows a reduced number of process steps/complexity. At transistor level, the move from finFETs to vertically stacked nanosheet (NS) FETs is predicted to help continue delivering profitable node-to-node scaling gains, beyond which 3D stacked CMOS, also called CFET, where NMOS and PMOS are folded on top of each other by a monolithic or 3D sequential approach appear as the ultimate scaling limit of the NSFET family of devices. In parallel, to take full advantage of multiple innovations at transistor level, de-coupling signal and power wiring by using both wafer sides for routing, thus enabling BSPDN, is a new concept that has been gaining traction with various types of device connectivity options possible and under exploration. It also shows the expansion potential towards other functions (namely by addition of specific devices after wafer’s backside processing), paving the way to a truly functional backside. The latter has high value proposition given that System-on-Chips (SOCs) are in fact vastly heterogeneous systems. From computing blocks to memorization, CMOS devices/circuits perform here a wide variety of functions, including the whole infrastructure that wraps the system (power and clock distribution, short and long signal nets, IOs and PLLs,…). As such, to continue obtaining enhanced system performance increasingly requires embracing this heterogeneity. That can be done by leveraging the unique capabilities of logic, memory and 3D technologies under the umbrella of STCO, while reviewing system design practices and introducing novel architectures and devices.
Scaling is thus entering a new era, aiming higher flexibility and more options for system optimization, progressively moving from CMOS towards a future CMOS heterogeneous platform: CMOS 2.0.
Presented by:

Anabela Veloso
Principal Member of Technical Staff
Imec, Leuven, Belgium
About the Presenter:
Anabela Veloso received a Ph.D. from INESC-IST-Lisbon University, Portugal in 2002. Since 2002, she has been working at Imec, in Leuven, Belgium, where she is a principal member of technical staff. Currently, her main research interests are in the areas of advanced CMOS device physics, integration, characterization, and technology, with recent focus on the exploration of scaled nanowires/nanosheets based FETs (with lateral or vertical transport), logic with functional backside, buried power rails, nTSVs, and overall novel device schemes while also taking into consideration possible new options for transistor engineering and connectivity from the wafer’s front/backside.
She has authored or co-authored more than 200 papers published in peer-reviews international conference proceedings and technical journals, presented 20 invited conference talks, and has been (co-)inventor of more than 23 filed/granted patents. She has also been serving in several conference committees including IEDM, SSDM, ECS Meeting, and the Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits.
Moderated by:

Pete Singer
Semiconductor Digest
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Since 1952, Marposs has been providing quality assurance solutions to a variety of industries across the world. Within the semi-conductor industry, Marposs offers monitoring solutions for machine tools used in wafer manufacturing, as well as metrology and inspection solutions for wafer manufacturing, PCB, interposers, SLP and module camera applications.