Mouser Electronics Awarded for Outstanding Performance from its Manufacturer Partners

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, today announced that it has received 25 top business awards from its manufacturer partners for best-in-class performance during 2023, including over a dozen Distributor of the Year (DOY) Awards.

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, today announced that it has received 25 top business awards from its manufacturer partners for best-in-class performance during 2023, including over a dozen Distributor of the Year (DOY) Awards.

“On behalf of Mouser’s global team, special thanks to these valued manufacturer partners for recognizing our efforts. Since the company’s founding 60 years ago, the Mouser mission has been to serve our customers by providing quality, speed and service,” said Jeff Newell, Senior Vice President of Products at Mouser Electronics. “It is always gratifying to be honored by our manufacturer partners who really understand and support this mission. It’s a privilege to be their authorized distributor and bring their newest products to market.”

Manufacturers cited criteria such as Mouser’s top logistics, digital excellence, double-digit sales growth, fastest new product introductions (NPIs), commitment to teamwork, investment in breadth of inventory, successful marketing campaigns, customer growth and expanding reach.

Performance awards for excellence in 2023 and fiscal year 23/24 include:

As a global authorized distributor, Mouser offers the widest selection of the newest semiconductors, electronic components and industrial automation products.

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