Archer Transfers Biochip Graphene Sensor Technology Design to a Commercial Fab to Verify Scalability

Archer Materials Limited, a semiconductor company advancing the quantum computing and medical diagnostics industries, has completed a proof of concept biosensing graphene transistor for use in its biochip, and submitted the technology design to a commercial foundry to verify scalability.

Samsung Starts Mass Production of Automotive UFS 3.1  Memory Solution with Industry’s Lowest Power Consumption

New UFS 3.1 is optimized for IVI systems and consumes 33% less energy, providing added benefits to future automotive applications.

Echo Opto-Acoustic Metrology System From Onto Innovation Wins 2023 Best of West Award

Onto Innovation will receive the Best of West award today at SEMICON West 2023.

Siemens Unveils Calibre DesignEnhancer for Correct-by-Construction IC Layout Optimization

Siemens Digital Industries Software today introduces Calibre DesignEnhancer software.

Schneider Electric Partners with Intel and Applied Materials to Help Decarbonize the Semiconductor Value Chain with New Catalyze Program

Schneider Electric today launched Catalyze, a new partnership program aimed at accelerating access to renewable energy across the global semiconductor value chain.

ClassOne Technology Secures Order from Menlo Microsystems for Solstice S8 Single-Wafer Processing System

ClassOne Technology today announced it has secured an order for its Solstice S8 single-wafer processing system from award-winning Menlo Microsystems (Irvine, Calif.).

Revasum Announces a 20%+ Increase in the Productivity of their Flagship CMP Product for Silicon Carbide Wafer Manufacturing

Revasum today announced the release of improvements to the system control software for their flagship silicon carbide CMP tool, 6EZ, which increase the throughput of the system by up to 20%+.

2023 Semiconductor Materials Market Slowing but Resilient

Material growth to resume in 2024 as industry recovers and fabs ramp up.

Edwards Expands in U.S., Maintains Focus on Sustainability

Edwards has significantly expanded in the U.S. in recent years, with a new 200,000 ft2 facility in Chandler, AZ, a state-of-the-art chemical laboratory at its Innovation Center in Hillsboro, OR and, most recently, new plans for a new dry pump manufacturing facility in Genesee County, NY.

Changes Coming to the CIS Ecosystem

Speaking at the Market Symposium at SEMICON West on Monday, Dan Gamota, Vice President, Manufacturing, Innovation & Product Industrialization, Jabil, described a changing landscape for the electronics manufacturing ecosystem, where the lines between chip-makers, foundries, electronics manufacturing service (EMS) providers and OSATS (outsourced assembly and test services) are blurring.