Light and Sound In Silicon Chips: The Slower The Better

Integrated circuits in silicon enable our digital era. The capabilities of electronic circuits have been extended even further with the introduction of photonics: components for the generation, guiding and detection of light. Together, electronics and photonics support entire systems for data communication and processing, all on a chip. However, there are certain things that even electrical and optical signals can’t do simply because they move too fast.

Paramagnetic Spins Take Electrons for a Ride, Produce Electricity From Heat

An international team of researchers has observed that local thermal perturbations of spins in a solid can convert heat to energy even in a paramagnetic material – where spins weren’t thought to correlate long enough to do so. The research team includes scientists from North Carolina State University, the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ohio State University.

Semiconductor Industry Veteran Bee Bee Ng New SEMI Southeast Asia President

SEMI, the global industry association representing the electronics manufacturing and design supply chain, today announced that semiconductor industry veteran Bee Bee Ng has joined SEMI as president of SEMI Southeast Asia, reporting to SEMI CFO Richard Salsman. Based in Singapore, Ng will direct SEMI Southeast Asia sales and services; expositions and programs including standards, EHS, workforce development and advocacy; and administrative operations.

Innovative Approaches to Vacuum Enable High-Volume Atomic Layer Processing

Processes such as atomic layer deposition and etch require fast, repetitive, complete exchange of gases in the process chamber. Vacuum equipment manufacturers have responded with solutions that address the challenges presented by these high flow applications.

Process Watch: A Statistical Approach to Improving Chip Reliability

The Process Watch series explores key concepts about process control—defect inspection, metrology and data analytics—for the semiconductor industry. This article is the fifth in a series on process control strategies for automotive semiconductor devices.

Examining Chip Manufacturing Challenges for Advanced Logic Architecture

A look at the critical issues that will have to be addressed to cost-effectively produce the next generation of faster, denser chips.

Process Control Needs Are Increasing Across Semiconductor Fabs

To increase yields and tool uptime, there is a growing need in the front-end of the fab to use wireless sensors.

Bayesian Machine Learning Enables a Virtual Defect Pareto Through Software Simulation

A Failure Mechanism Pareto can be derived through software by applying Bayesian Machine Learning to diagnostic fault simulations.

DVCon U.S. Serves Chip Users Latest Tools and Standards

The Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition (DVCon U.S.) held earlier this year once again brought chip developers together with EDA tool vendors to tackle major issues. By John Blyler, Contributing Editor To practicing chip design and verification engineers, DVCon…

DRAM, NAND and Emerging Memory Technology Trends and Developments in 2019

Innovation in memory technology is constant. In this article, TechInsights’ Jeongdong Choe reviews the latest developments in DRAM, NAND, and emerging technology, and provide insight on the trends in this space.