Consistent Atomic Layer Deposition Processes
Demand Consistent ALD Valve Actuation
October 27, 2021
10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern
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Process accuracy and consistency is an increasingly important challenge in the creation of modern semiconductor devices. Atomic layer processes like ALD are often tasked to perform the most critical device fabrication steps. These processes rely on accurate and consistent chemical doses typically delivered by specialized pneumatically actuated valves. The consistency, accuracy, and speed of these specialized valves are also influenced by the pneumatic system used to operate them. This presentation reviews the elements of atomic layer process valves and pneumatic valve control systems and their influence on dosing accuracy, consistency, and speed.
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Presented by:

William H. Glime, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist, Semiconductor
Swagelok Company
Bill Glime is a 24-year veteran of Swagelok Company, a world leader in the development of fluid system products, assemblies, and services. The holder of 27 US patents, he has identified specialized valve needs for atomic layer deposition (ALD) applications before they were broadly adopted by the industry. Additionally, he has created a series of atomic layer process targeted valve solutions that have served the semiconductor industry for the past 20 years. In his role as principal scientist, Bill frequently works with end-users to address emerging technical challenges associated with new processes.