By Tzeno Galchev of Analog Devices
Inertial sensors have continued to underpin the success of wearables in increasingly important ways. Propelled by evolutionary advancements in inertial sensors, wearables have strayed from their humble beginnings in simple activity and wellness, which defined the user experience over the past decade. What started with the simple act of telling people their daily step count has morphed to provide deeper insights into swim stroke and run cadence, all the way to mapping out a person’s off-piste ski route. Layered on top of this foundation of inertial sensors, we’ve fused optical, temperature and other sensor technology to provide clinical-grade healthcare snapshots available previously only by visiting the doctor’s office.
Inertial sensors today are again leading the way in improving health and wellness. Instead of humans, however, this time the patients are machines. In fact, the health of critical assets – whether factory-based equipment, windmills, train bogies or aircraft – has been assessed through sophisticated analysis of their vibration signatures for many years. The sensors used for these applications have depended on piezoelectric technology because their vibration amplitude signals are very small and difficult to detect and because of the importance of understanding their spectral content over a wide bandwidth. When it comes to noise and bandwidth, bulk piezoceramics have had a major advantage over electrostatic MEMS technology – until recently.
Using bulky expensive piezoelectric sensors for condition-based monitoring has been akin to going to the doctor’s office to have an MRI. The equipment required (sensors, receivers) is expensive and requires highly trained specialists to operate the machine and to interpret the information. For this reason, only mission-critical assets are instrumented. For nearly all other equipment, we tend to use inefficient schedule-based maintenance approaches to cover the gap of not having continuous data.

Evolving machine health
MEMS started to democratize machine health several years ago, when suppliers began switching from piezoelectrics to capacitive MEMS. While the performance was still not on par with piezoelectric sensors, MEMS technology could already capture a wide array of faults. One example, the ADXL001, started making its way into Integrated Electronics Piezo-Electric (IEPE) and 4-20 mA sensors, which form the backbone of the vibration monitoring market. Although the bandwidth and noise of the sensor did not allow for very early detection and prescriptive monitoring, it did allow the tracking of faults as they progressed and became more imminent.
Other digital accelerometers started finding their way into new wireless prototype systems with the goal to simplify and increase deployment to a greater population of assets. The thinking was that self-contained digital wireless sensor nodes could be deployed more economically and quickly, and that these digital sensors would bring the power of computing to the edge node.
Unfortunately, even the lowest-noise MEMS products did not have the bandwidth needed to diagnose and predict faults early enough to influence how and when machines are maintained most economically. Instead, such devices were used to detect imminent failure to prevent irreparable harm. As we all know, however, the earlier the doctor spots a problem, the better the probable outcome. That’s because early detection increases the likelihood that the doctor will have access to the full spectrum of treatment options available to fix the problem.
Inertial MEMS is blazing a new frontier with the introduction of next-generation capacitive MEMS such as the ADXL100x portfolio. Offering ultra-low noise density and high-frequency response, these newer capacitive MEMS devices fit the bill. With 3dB bandwidths up to 25 kHz and flat response curves within 0.4dB all the way to 10kHz, these accelerometers demonstrate compelling enabling characteristics such as better DC performance, improved robustness, lifetime stability, linearity, and of course, cost, making capacitive MEMS a better choice than piezoelectrics.
With high-bandwidth capacitive MEMS much easier to use and deploy – as well as more affordable – the market is starting to respond. Condition monitoring equipment and instrumentation is becoming more accessible to a larger base of manufacturers. In turn, a wealth of data is being created and mined to develop better and timelier predictive and prescriptive maintenance approaches that rely heavily on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).
It’s worth paying attention to the sizable condition-based monitoring market. Estimated at $3.5 billion and growing, condition-based monitoring reduces downtime and increases equipment utilization in quantifiable ways. And it’s not just manufacturers who stand to benefit. More sustainable and efficient industrial processes, safer trains that crisscross continents at ever increasing speeds, autonomous cars and trucks that know what’s happening under the hood as well as on the road, and modern infrastructure to support our evolving lives show us that condition-based monitoring has something for everyone.
Learn more about Analog Devices’ condition-based monitoring signal-chain options that help customers on the journey from sensor to solution. View ADI’s whole portfolio of condition-based monitoring solutions online or download Next-Generation Condition-Based Monitoring brochure.
Tzeno Galchev is product marketing manager in the Inertial Sensor Technology Group at Analog Devices Inc. He oversees the strategic marketing and product definition of the inertial sensor component portfolio. He received B.S. degrees in both Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2004, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 2006 and 2010 respectively from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has over 30 publications in the area of MEMS, holds multiple patents, and is a frequent lecturer and speaker on topics related to MEMS, energy harvesting and sensors.
Analog Devices is a longtime member of MEMS & Sensors Industry Group (MSIG), a SEMI technology community that enables the MEMS and sensor industry to address common challenges, innovate and accelerate business results.